Hearts and Lonely Hunters
Produced by Hugh Christopher Brown on Wolfe Island, this latest offering is a little bit country and a little bit rock and roll. Flushed out with lush production and the Wrongs at the top of their game. As usual their sister from another mister Sarah Harmer adds her voice to many of the songs. A smooth listen from beginning to end.
To purchase CD/Vinyl or stream, visit Luther's website, iTunes, Apple Music, Google Play, or Spotify at the links below.
Produced by Hugh Christopher Brown on Wolfe Island, this latest offering is a little bit country and a little bit rock and roll. Flushed out with lush production and the Wrongs at the top of their game. As usual their sister from another mister Sarah Harmer adds her voice to many of the songs. A smooth listen from beginning to end.
Available on CD and Vinyl from Luther’s website, as a digital download from iTunes, and streaming on Spotify, Google Play, and Apple Music.
“The deft use of guitar, pedal steel, organs and keys throughout Hearts and Lonely Hunters makes it a nicely textured, happy mess of an album about life, love, being broke and making music anyway.”
— Sarah Greene, Exclaim Magazine